The party had just returned to the Crevasse in Redbrand Hideout after spending the night at the Alderleaf farm.
Aster scouted the south west corridor and returned to the group to report her findings.
The party attempts to sneak down the steps of the south west corridor but Dnath’s armour proves noisey as he moves.
Aster notices that the voices coming from the door to north suddenly go quiet.
On listening closer, she hears at least one voice raising the alarm in a whisper while other intoxicated voices are boasting and refuting the need for caution.
Aster gently inserts a slice of rope into the keyhole of the north door. She then moves to the south door to remove the slice of rope from the keyhole that she had previously inserted there.
Aster uses her thieves tools to quietly pick the lock in south door. The she previosuly heard in the room is still audible.
The door handle squeaks a little as she opens it.
The room contains four roughly built wooden bunks. The two at the far end of the room are occupied by sleeping goblins. There are heaped blankets and dirty dishes strewn around. There was strong smell of unwashed bodies and rotting meat.
As Aster creeps closer to the goblins she notices one is significantly older than the other.
Wood also creeps into the room. As he does so he recognised goblins as the two the party had previously captured in the Cragmaw Hideout and brought to Phandalin – Yeerik and Brawk.
Aster and Wood manoeuvre for a simultaneous attack on the sleeping goblins.
Aster places her hand over the older goblin’s mouth as she stabs her dagger deep into its ear.
Wood slams both is swords into the larger goblin’s lungs.
Both goblins are killed by the attack, issuing only small sounds as they perish.
Aster finds two short swords and two light crossbows under the beds. She tells Wood she plans to pawn them the items.
Wood accuses Aster of being a bread head.
Aster accuses Wood of eating too many mushrooms.
Aster moves quietly to the north door and removes the slice of rope from the keyhole. She also discovers that the door is unlocked. She then steps behind Sagnus and Wood.
Dnath casts Bless on Sagnus, Wood and Aster.
As Sagnus steps up to the north door he notices it’s gone quiet inside the room.
Sagnus kicks open the door to see three Redbrands sitting around a worn table.
There’s a stack of coins and trinkets heaped in the middle of the table alongside drinks and a card game.
The room also contains ale kegs. Some of them are propped up and tapped.
There’s another door on the far side of the room that’s open only a jar.
Sagnus strides into the room and immediately casts burning hands at the drunk Redbrands sitting around the table.
The Redbrands, the table and all the items on the table are all heavily burned by the spell.
Sagnus suddenly notices two more sober looking Redbrands closing in from his side.
Wood runs into the room and attacks the sober Redbrands landing a slashing blow one of them.
Mud enters a rage and also runs into the room, cutting into the same Redbrand.
Dnath runs into the room and hits the other sober Redbrand with his mace.
Aster, still outside of the room, notices a sound coming from behind her in the direction of the Crevasse.
She turns to see a short, dark-bearded human man in a red robes. He’s carrying a glass staff.
He politely apologises to Aster then blasts her with four Magic Missiles.
Inside the room the drunk and burnt Redbrands stagger away from the smoldering table and move to attack Sagnus and Mud.
Sagnus takes a hit from a drunk Redbrand who accidentally slashes his comrade across the thigh in the process.
Mud takes a small hit from the other drunk Redbrand.
One of the sober Redbrand’s also hits Mud.
The other sober Redbrand deals a savage cut to Dnath, destroying the concentration required for his Bless spell.
Again Sagnus casts Burning Hands on the drunk Redbrands near the table.
Aster, reeling from the surprise Magic Missile attack, runs into the Common Room and stabs the closest Redbrand with her dagger.
She grunts to the others that she’s seen Glasstaff.
Wood takes out two Redbrands, one on each side of him.
Mud jumps onto the smouldering table and hacks into the skull of a smaller Redbrand, killing him.
Dnath knocks the wind out of Redbrand with his mace then casts Healing Word on Aster.
Glasstaff moves down the corridor and launches four more Magic Missiles into Aster’s back.
Aster falls to the ground unconscious.
The remaining Redbrands attack Sagnus and cut him down.
Aster rolls a 1 on her first death saving throw, therefore failing two saving throws. Leaving her one roll away from death.
Wood kicks the south door closed on Glasstaff and spins to round to finish two more Redbrands.
Mud rolls a barrel in front of the south door.
Dnath holds up his shield and casts Channel Divinity to revive Aster and Sagnus. INSPIRATION